UNCCD Executive Secretary Visits CBAS to Enhance Cooperation on Sustainable Land Management
Jun 04, 2024
On May 24, UN under-secretary-general and executive secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), led a delegation to visit the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). The delegation toured the Sustainable Development Big Data Platform, engaging in deep discussions on leveraging digital technology to support sustainable development goals (SDGs)and exploring avenues for institutional collaboration.
Prof. Chen Fang, Executive Deputy Director of CBAS, presented an overview of the center's work and achievements in promoting global sustainable development. Prof. Li Xiaosong detailed their research on zero net land degradation using Big Earth Data. He expressed hopes for enhanced data sharing, decision support, and capacity building with the UNCCD in areas such as land degradation management and drought response.
Ibrahim Thiaw expressed his excitement about the achievements of CBAS in supporting the realization of SDGs through big data. He emphasized the fundamental role of land in achieving all SDGs, stating that sustainable land management is crucial for ensuring sufficient food, health, and the overall progress towards all SDGs. Thiaw highlighted the significant challenges facing global development and the critical importance of utilizing big data to find solutions. He expressed UNCCD's eagerness to collaborate closely with CBAS to contribute to the achievement of SDGs and invited the center to participate in the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the UNCCD, scheduled for December 2024 in Saudi Arabia.
UNCCD officials, including Jia Xiaoxia and Louisa Karika, and Chinese officials from National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Pan Bing, Wang Hua, and Guo Yufu, accompanied the visit.

The delegation visits the Satellite Operation Room.

Roundtable discussion.

Group photo.
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