AIR-led Project Team Receives 2023 GEO Team Impact Award
Nov 09, 2023
Prof. Huang Wenjiang from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the head of a GEO project "Global Vegetation Pest and Disease Dynamic Remote Sensing Monitoring and Forecasting" (GEO-PDRS), together with his core team member Dr. Liu Linyi, were invited to attend the GEO WEEK 2023 which was held in Cape Town, South Africa on 6-10 November 2023.
The conference awarded three award-winning teams worldwide for their significant impacts in Earth observation technology serving global sustainable development. The GEO-PDRS team was among the winners, receiving the 2023 GEO Team Impact Award.
The team is the only award-winning team from Asia. Other recipients of this award include the GEOGLAM team led by Ian Jarvis from the United States, and the GEO Blue Planet team led by Lilian Diarra from France.
The GEO-PDRS team focuses on major global epidemic and migratory vegetation pests and diseases. Utilizing multi-source data from remote sensing, meteorology, agriculture and ecology, they integrate technologies such as big data analysis and information mining to establish a global vegetation pests and diseases remote sensing monitoring and forecasting system.
The system generates products covering 19 major pests and diseases in 38 major grain-producing countries worldwide. The periodical outputs have been adopted over 220 times as decision-making references by governmental ministries of China, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as industry institutions and enterprises.
Their research results have also been embraced by international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, GEO, and the Global Biodiversity Information Network (GBIF). The system supports scientific pest and disease control over an area exceeding 500 million mu, resulting in a reduction of pesticide usage by approximately 30% and an increase in species richness by about 10%.

GEO-PDRS project team receives 2023 GEO Team Impact Award.

The project focuses on monitoring and forecasting global major migratory and epidemic vegetation pests and diseases.
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