Irina Bokova Visits CBAS
Nov 06, 2023
On 24 Oct. 2023, Ms. Irina Bokova, the former Director General of UNESCO, and Co-chair of the International Science Council (ISC)’s Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability, visited the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), a center was established to support the achievement of the SDGs. During her visit, Ms. Bokova explored various systems and platforms including the SDG Big Data Platform, its collaborative analysis system, SDG science satellite system, visualization and application system, and SDG data sharing system. Additionally, she was presented with recent projects and progress made by CBAS and its affiliated international organizations and programs.
This year, the “CBAS Fellow Program” has been launched to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation in order to promote global sustainable development. It is considered as the highest academic honor for an individual by CBAS. Ms. Bokova was one of the founding Fellows honored by CBAS. CBAS held an awarding ceremony for Ms. Bokova. Prof. Guo Huadong, Director-General of CBAS, presented her with the Fellow certificate and a medal. He expressed his hope that she would engage in closer strategic cooperation in the future to address major social sustainable development issues through digital technology.
Ms. Bokova expressed her sincere gratitude for the title and delivered a speech entitled "Mission-lead Science for the SDGs" at the ceremony. In her speech, she pointed out that the UN 2030 Agenda is facing severe challenges, necessitating better understanding and dialogue than ever before. International scientific cooperation can assist humanity to understand the complex implications of achieving the SDGs. Timely and reliable data, along with open and shared solutions in both natural and social sciences, are the only way to address these challenges effectively.
At the same time, she also expressed her sincere gratitude to Prof. Guo for his contribution and scientific input as a member of ISC Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability. She stated, “ISC is willing to carry out more in-depth work with CBAS in the future”.

Prof. Guo Huadong presents the CBAS Fellow certificate and medal to Ms. Bokova.

Group photo of Ms. Bokova with CBAS staff and students.
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