Prof. LI Zhengqiang Joins Program Committee of Space Climate Observatory
Jul 07, 2023
The 11th Steering Committee Meeting of Space Climate Observatory (SCO), organized by the Norwegian Space Agency, was held in Oslo, Norway on May 24, 2023.
More than 30 representatives from space agencies including the UNITED NATIONS Office for Outer Space Affairs, Space Climate Observatory, French Space Agency, British Space Agency, British National Earth Observation Center, and China National Space Administration attended the meeting.
The meeting focused on a variety of SCO activities, such as introducing new signatories of the SCO charter, reviewing and approving the SCO rules of procedure document, and discussing the work plan for 2023-2024.
The meeting also announced the establishment of the SCO Program Committee (PC). Prof. LI Zhengqiang from the Aerospace Information Research Institute was selected into PC.
PC includes representatives from 9 countries or institutions, including China, France, the United States, India, Italy, Sweden, Slovakia, the European Space Agency, and UNITED NATIONS Office for Outer Space Affairs.
PC is responsible for drafting work plans, project solicitation, review and certification, and supervising the progress of the working group.
Space Climate Observatory (SCO) is an international platform that utilizes Earth observation data to observe climate change and its impacts. SCO is committed to monitoring, simulating, and analyzing climate change and its impacts based on space technology and finding solutions to adapt to climate change globally and in key regions.

Prof. LI Zhengqiang (second to the left) joins Program Committee of Space Climate Observatory.
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