6th AOGEO Workshop Highlights Earth Observation Innovations in Asia-Oceania
Jun 27, 2023
The 6th AOGEO Workshop was held in Macau, China from May 29-31, 2023, hosted by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), China GEO Secretariat, National Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC), and co-organized by the Aerospace Information Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS), the University of Macau (UM).
Under the theme “Demand-driven Advancements in Earth Observation Technology and Application,” the workshop focused on Earth observation innovations and how they are applied in the Asia-Oceania (AO) region.
The workshop brought together more than 80 participants from various research institutes, universities in 18 countries, and international organizations in the Asia-Oceania region. Of these delegates, more than 28 participated through Zoom. The event was also livestreamed via the Journal of Remote Sensing, an open-access journal published in association with AIRCAS, and more than 6,700 viewers tuned in.
The 6th AOGEO Workshop featured five thematic sessions, an Integrated Priority Study (IPS) session, and a side event. During this three-day event, participants shared 40 presentations and 11 academic posters.
On Day 1, delegates looked to the future and began outlining a post-2025 GEO strategy and a new infrastructure as GEO transitions to knowledge services. Regional representatives were invited to provide inputs into the discussion about GEO’s future. A session on data fusion and technology integration explored how innovative, analysis-ready Earth observation products—such as data cubes, Spectrum Earth, and other platforms—can be leveraged to transform massive amounts of EO data into information and insights.
During the IPS session, participants shared good practices, current challenges, and progress in applying Earth observation in IPS regions, including the Himalayan Mountains and the Mekong River Basin. In these regions, stakeholders are using EO to advance GEO’s four engagement priorities: the Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as Resilient Cities and Human Settlements. For example, in the Mekong River Basin, stakeholders are making great progress assessing landslide risk and establishing drought and flood monitoring platforms using Earth observations. However, a more coordinated effort is needed to evaluate existing satellite data products to ensure accurate, timely, and reliable information.
On Day 2, panelists presented case studies, good practices, and technical advancements in the application of Earth observation in global ecological environmental monitoring. Regional representatives also had additional opportunities to contribute to the GEO Post-2025 Incubator-Global Ecosystem Atlas. The sessions also highlighted the data sharing and knowledge hubs in the AO region, raising awareness and deepening engagement with potential and existing local users.
The academic Poster Exhibition provided an opportunity for researchers, young scholars, and early-career scientists to showcase their work and network with each other. Participants were also able to discuss the development of a potential GEOSS in the AO region and how to further integrate Earth observation resources into regional development.
Day 3 showcased capacity building efforts and outcomes in the AO region, highlighting excellent examples applying Earth observation for local needs. It provided opportunities for training , showcasing achievements, exchanging experiences, and strengthing connections.
At the closing ceremony, participants discussed the next AOGEO Workshop, summarized insightful and innovative ideas from this workshop, and published the 2023 AOGEO Announcement.
The 6th AOGEO workshop successfully concluded with the adoption of 2023 AOGEO Announcement, which highlighted regional needs to engage young professionals and professionals from different disciplines, to increase collaboration in data and knowledge sharing, and to further integrate data producers, providers, and end users.
AOGEO is responsible for coordinating diverse stakeholders and activities that focus on regional needs and promoting GEO engagement priorities in the Asia-Oceania region. The AOGEO workshop (formerly the International AOGEOSS Conference) provides a forum for the Asia-Oceania region to exchange scientific and technical views on Earth observations and their applications, and for the global community to learn about the progress of AOGEO.
More information about the 6th AOGEO Workshop, including speakers’ bios and presentations, videos, academic posters, will soon be available on the workshop website: https://conferences.cis.um.edu.mo/AOGEO-workshop-2023/

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